Newport - Abercarn Cwncarn Hotel
Newport Road : NP11 7ND
A grass track meeting was held on Mabon's day*, Monday 7th September 1891 at the Cwmcarn Hotel. The total prize fund was 30 guineas, entrance was 6d and Risca Artillery Band were in attendance. The cycling events were 1 and 4 miles Open Handicap races, both had a first prize of £2 10s. The remainder of the program consisted of running races including a 220 yards "Old man's race (over 50 years of age)".

The Cwmcarn Hotel was built in 1891, but was extensively damaged by fire in April 1893 and there does not seem to have been any further bicycle racing associated with the hotel after the fire.

*Mabon's Day started in 1888, around the South Wales coal mines, in which the 1st Monday of every month was declared a holiday. Named after the Lib-Lab politician William Abraham (who was better known as Mabon) who fought successfully for the miners to have this holiday

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